W.A.L.T : do a made up three little pigs story
Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They went to go and get some things for their houses. The wolf came over and said to the three little pigs do you know where my friend said I could eat three pigs. So the three little pigs though they were going to get eating. Then they ran and ran but the wolf said I need you for my dinner the the wolf said I mean some things for my dinner.
The wolf said I need you to help me so they came back to him he said come in here it was his house but they didn't know that. Then the wolf said i am so funny i’m going to eat you now. The pigs ran and ran around in his house but the wolf couldn't get them the pigs got to the door and ran out it was dark and there were big trees everywhere there was a big lake the wolf didn't like water. So they had to jump in and they were lost they didn't know where they were
DLO : google docs a plan of the three little pigs then I had to do my story of the three little pigs
Do you know what you would do for your story and why ?